Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring. Best song ever!

Há dias vi que Neil Tennant dos Pet Shop Boys colaborou no novo Rudebox do Robbie Williams. Eu nunca tive muita simpatia pelos Pet Shop Boys nem sabia que eles ainda estavam "no activo". A melhor canção dos Pet Shop Boys é Being Boring do álbum Behaviour.(Minha modesta opinião, claro, quem sou eu para afirmá-lo...)

O título da canção parte de uma inspiração de empréstimo a Zelda, mulher de F. Scott Fitzgerald que terá escrito“She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn’t boring.” A letra sobre ímpetos juvenis, amigos e tempos passados não deixa de ser uma celebração. Sempre foi uma das minhas canções predilectas.O video a preto e banco de Bruce Weber também. Não teve muito sucesso comercial mas gerou um forte culto. Vejam este site, por exemplo. Aqui fica a letra da canção, para cantarolar...

I came across a cache of old photos

And invitations to teenage parties

"Dress in white" one said, with quotations

From someone's wife, a famous writer

In the nineteen-twenties

When you're young you find inspiration

In anyone who's ever gone

And opened up a closing door

She said: "We were never feeling bored

'Cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves

And we were never being boring

We dressed up and fought, then thought: "Make amends"

And we were never holding back or worried that

Time would come to an end

When I went I left from the station

With a haversack and some trepidation

Someone said: "If you're not careful

You'll have nothing left and nothing to care for

In the nineteen-seventies"

But I sat back and looking forward

My shoes were high and I had scored

I'd bolted through a closing door

I would never find myself feeling bored

'Cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves

And we were never being boring

We dressed up and fought, then thought: "Make amends"

And we were never holding back or worried that

Time would come to an end

We were always hoping that, looking back

You could always rely on a friend

Now I sit with different faces

In rented rooms and foreign places

All the people I was kissing

Some are here and some are missing

In the nineteen-nineties

I never dreamt that I would get to be

The creature that I always meant to be

But I thought in spite of dreams

You'd be sitting somewhere here with me

'Cause we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves

And we were never being boring

We dressed up and fought, then thought: "Make amends"

And we were never holding back or worried that

Time would come to an end

We were always hoping that, looking back

You could always rely on a friend

And we were never being boring

We had too much time to find for ourselves

And we were never being boring

We dressed up and fought, then thought: "Make amends"

And we were never being boring

We were never being bored

'Cause we were never being boring

We were never being bored


Quarenta disse…
Obrigado pelo incentivo, Belinha.
E agradeço-lhe ter-se dado ao trabalho de visitar o meu "blog", provavelmente o mais amorfo de toda a "blogosfera".
Quarenta disse…
De facto, Belinha, tem toda a razão quanto à "receita" para popularizar um "blog".
Aliás, não é minha intenção, com "O Blog do Quarenta", agradar (ou desagradar) a quem quer que seja. Ou se gosta, ou não se gosta.
Mais uma vez, agradeço-lhe a atenção prestada.

Hasta la vista